Admin option for WIFI DOOR LOCK

We reside in a building having flats (Building is ours and a flat is rented out). To ease off the use of door unlock , I have installed WIFI DOOR LOCK from Tinxy.
The use case is I will be the sole “ADMIN” while I share the Lock Open/Close option with others in the building. But seems like the “SHARED USERS” have options available in the APP which should not be available a non-admin user.
Following options should not be available to SHARED USERS -

  1. Change Wifi Router - Only ADMIN should have access to change Lock Settings.
  2. Schedule/Timer - Its always good to have only ADMIN have this feature to avoid DOS attacks.

Hi @Divyam
Thank you for your request.

you are right. We will make this happen in our upcoming updates.

thanks a lot Mohit. waiting for an update.