Can we get more info on Tinxy Video Lock?


Can we get more information on Tinxy Video Lock and its connections? There is already information on how to setup the doorlock with the power supply and the door ajar sensor in another product (Tinxy Lock with Buttons). However there is no information on the connection between Video Doorbell, Video Display Unit and the Lock Power supply. This can also help me understand if the system can be adapted to my home.

Two more things I wanted to know are - Is the Remote Buttons usable with Video Door Lock and is the Video Doorbell (the part that contains the push button and the camera) weather resistant (like IPX rated).


There are two types of video door phones available in the market as far as connection to Tinxy lock controller is concerned.

  1. COM , NO , NC available on outer camera unit . Just connect the Tinxy switch points . Wiring COM to Tinxy Switch connector 1 , NC to Tinxy switch connector 2
    So when indoor unit presses unlock, com and NC will get shorted , which will trigger the switch on Tinxy

  2. 12V output from outer camera unit. Just connect the output to the door lock . In parallel to this connect tinxy controller


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