[GUIDE] How to flash ESPhome on Tinxy 4N with fan regulator

First, you will need a CH340G to flash ESP8266 devices on Tinxy devices. The gold color ones in the image are reliable and time tested.

GND (ESP8266) to GND (CH340G): This establishes a common ground.
3.3V (CH340G) to 3.3V (ESP8266): This powers the ESP8266.
TX (CH340G) to RX (ESP8266): This allows the CH340G to send data to the ESP8266.
RX (CH340G) to TX (ESP8266): This allows the ESP8266 to send data back to the CH340G.

Follow the steps in the documentation below and make sure to desolder W2,W3 for flashing and also use esptool.py if the esphome web flasher doesn’t work. I identified the baud rate to be 460800. If it still doesn’t work, try other baud rates.