Hardware Issue: Hissing Sound

I have mix of many Tinxy devices (Single, Two & Four nodes) and all are running with Esphome and no issues.

The new devices which I bought from Amazon (single node) had a HISSING noise while switching on. Due to the trust in Tinxy, I did flash the first one and I can’t return or replace I think.

I received second single node today and before flashing I tested and it also has the same issue, so I planning to replace it.

Now, I slowly loosing the TRUST on Tinxy devices…

@mohit this is just for your info.


Even i bought 10 single node devices.
7 of them are ok as of now with stock tinxy firmware.
One is super laggy.
Other two are tripping constantly.
Relay is just going on / off.
One device works really strange, it connects to wifi but as soon as i switch on the relay, it trips.

Hissing sound is perfectly normal. All SMPS (Required to power electronics) makes this noise. some more some less.

Switch being laggy can be of various reasons. distance/ walls / antenna direction/ switch placement / wifi router.

The 2 needs to be replaced. SMPS issue I think

Just had a word with customer care, they suggested to opt for replacement. I will do the same.
All devices are placed within range. The “Balcony ceiling” is laggy, it takes around a minute to respond.
I will relocate / swap devices and let you know.
Attached device picture for your reference.
Currently it shows “Balcony ceiling has no wifi”, this happens frequently.

P.S. - Have you looked into introducing curtain controller. Since you already sell two channel modules, firmware wise you have to switch on one relay at a time to open / close curtain and switch off both relay to pause / stop.
Would be a nice addition to device sku.