Home Assistant Integration for Tinxy

After getting api key from the app , how to change it in home assistant…pls help

Didn’t get you… can you explain…i am facing same prob … no idea what to do after getting api from app

Hi everyone,
I need a few testers for the upcoming version, which will remove the need to editing the config file. If you are willing to test it out before release, Please join the tinxy discord server : Link

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Hi. Thanks for the amazing work on HA integration. I set up my 4 node with fan regulator tinxy today and added it to HA. However the fan is getting detected as a switch and there is no speed control option, only on off. Any clue what’s going on?

Hey Nishant, Are you still facing the issue? Click on the Switch then it will show you fan speed as Low, Medium and High as option if you are using Lovelace card. Other Add-on cards may have different options.

If you are facing issue to see newly added devices working on Tinxy application but not appearing in the Home Assistant Devices section, follow below given steps. I was pulling my hair for past few months on this and I have tried multiple time reload the integration, going to system option → toggling the “enable newly added devices” and “enable polling for updates” without any success.


  1. Go to HACS → Integration. Under integrations, Select Tinxy (Since you already installed it should be there)
  2. If Tinxy is not there then click on Explore & Download Repositories
  3. Select Tinxy from there
  4. Click on the 3 dots from right hand top corner
  5. Try to Re-Download or Download
  6. It may show the latest available version (3.1.1 at the time of writing this)
  7. Click on Download. You may not get any visual confirmation once it is done, wait for the version information to disappear to proceed further.
  8. Go to Settings → Restart Home Assistant
  9. Go back to Settings → Devices and Services → Select Tinxy
  10. Your newly added Tinxy devices should be visible now under Tinxy along with existing devices.

Note: You may simply remove the integration and re-add it with Tinxy API key, however I have seen all the automation and configurations got reset. You will end up editing each entry post that which is PITA. You may follow above steps if you rename your devices from Tinxy app to sync them with Home Assistant.

What’s the status of HA local integration? This is the only thing holding me back from picking Tinxy for my home automation.

I have a big and only hope from Tinxy, as I don’t want to use any Chinese devices

Works as switch only for now (Fan will also show up as switch).
RF devices are not currently supported (EVA) due to unavailability of api.

thanks sid works like a charm… A big releif :slight_smile: