When main line power goes then device given problem


In 30th July 2023 I face one issue at 9 am and many times with 6 node switch, its device connected with inverter connection. And 1 fan , 1 tubelight on from manual switch. So when main power goes and inverter start beeping then I observed my fan and tubelight off for some seonds else other inverter line bulbs was running continuously. And relay switching sound coming like power goes off and on.

It’s very serious issue if i added all lights with your device then black out in my home if same issue happen.

This issue not happened again right now.

Share wiring details ? L, N and switches connectors of the device should be connected to inverter only. Make sure the switches ,L and N are not with mains. You can use only one source of power , not both.

Are you using mains power on the switches ?

@mohit, I am using separate 16amp device for inverter and mail line scenario.

Other than that I am using inverter connection with all devices except 16amp devices. its issue came in my 6 node switch device in 30th July 2013 after that no issue happened again.

That time low voltage issue happened.

Solution :- Try to pass low-voltage current to device and then you can check.